Saturday, November 8, 2008

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Three success stories

excellent New Yorker and author of two papers that have had great international success, The Tipping Point and Blink ( The Tipping Point, Bur, and In the blink of an eye , Mondadori), Malcolm Gladwell has dedicated his new book, Outliers - to be released in the U.S. in ten days after being one of the few titles to appeal to Buchmesse - precisely the mechanisms behind the success stories. Mechanisms, the same journalist said in an interview on his self- site, far more complex than to suggest these textbooks, so common in the United States, promising to reveal the seven golden rules to get ahead in life. "What I learned writing the book - Gladwell points out - is that so far there have focused mainly on individual stories, describing the characteristics and personality of the figures of success ... but maybe we should look around, their culture, their community, their family, their generation. We turned our eyes on the highest trees, instead of observing the forest. " And with the cunning of those who knew, if nothing else, how to attract the attention of readers, Gladwell throws some bait that will certainly Outliers blockbusters, at least in the U.S.. In one chapter, for example, the author observes how a surprising number among the most powerful lawyers in New York has biographical data similar men are Jews, born in the mid- Thirty in the Bronx or Brooklyn to immigrant parents who worked in the textile industry. "Now, can anyone say that this is a coincidence. Or you can ask - as I did - what are the elements that make a jew boy, raised in certain conditions in the years of the Depression, a lawyer of extraordinary success. And my answer to this question is that you can learn many things about the various causes that lead a person at the height of that profession. " A pause

autogrill to go to the toilet is certainly not a memorable experience. But, notes Janet Maslin in The New York Times, in the hands of Stephen King is also a situation like this commonplace is transformed into a potential nightmare. Of the thirteen stories that comprise her latest collection, Just After Sunset , three in fact are in fact set in the cramped and not very welcoming of a public toilet. In this book, note Maslin, King continues, if ever proof were needed, a relentless story-teller, and fast, "one of the stories was written in the few hours spent in a hotel room in Australia, just to kill a bit 'of time. "

one another bestseller. Lots of comments, of course, on the death of Michael Crichton. Among other things, to Charles McGrath, still the New York Times: Crichton, critic writes, "looked like a character from a novel by Michael Crichton. He was unusually tall, incredibly handsome and had an encyclopedic knowledge ranging from dinosaurs to medieval banquets to nanotechnology. As a writer, was a kind of cyborg, always ready to churn out novels were sophisticated entertainment systems. Nobody, except perhaps Crichton himself, has ever confused with great literature, but few were the readers who have stopped reading halfway. "


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