Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Philip Chariol Bracelet

Artistic periods of Italo Squitieri

From 1958 to 1973
Squitieri is the right way with relative ease into an expression for an art of direct encounter with his native land.
The sad faces of women Basilicata, between the Mediterranean myth, antiquarianism of Greek origin, realistic kind of neo-classicism, is an explicit indication of a mysterious freedom to gather and worship in the example of the ancient secrets of the most popular.

A work of that period:

POWER follows: twenty-six paintings made in seven years, from 1972 to 1979, where each graphic symbol takes reason and life, and any given issue is personal and consistent. The design is crisp, clear as is the complaint. The author, admirably equipped by temperament instinctive, high-rich teaching and the formal and material culture, dominated the calls and the suggestions that come from the problematic nature of the issues and brings out a poignant words of Enlightenment discourse, which has the beauty of the mirror, composed and disturbing protest of a vagrant heart, which gives on to dreams and poetry. In no other artist, perhaps, is so loud alarm for the moral decline of Italy, destroyed by too much history.

One of 26 paintings of 'THE POWER:

The period from 1979 to 1985/87, are marked from the cycle of PETRA

Since 1985, the paintings of the cycle preload, the Master tries his hand at fixing the visionary stroke cycle of life, marked by short-term and short-lived as the glory, money and hope. One way to become aware of the human condition and venture into unexplored topic of today's world. This is how MEMORY OF ULYSSES THE LAST FRAGMENT, THE HUMAN CONDITION, THE COUPLE AND FASHION , works that constitute the first major expression of our civilization defeated and humiliated, and there are two main questions: what will happen in the future? There will still be able to ask someone, painting, on the border between two age where the worst sins and noblest sentiments are curiously divided by time?

A work cycle de 'THE PRELOAD:

taken from the scene shows , in September 1989 and written by Italian Carlo Sesti.

High Soft Closed Cervix 2 Days Before Af


Italo Squitieri I like to imagine the ruins of Petra. In the city that "lives of his death, I see it moved to stop before the many facades of tombs carved into the limestone, on cliffs. And while I think of a painting that gives the precise meaning of this kidnapping ( CHARM OF PETRA , that the painter has made recovering potentino impressions of his trip to Jordan and a visit to the legendary capital of the Nabataeans), other images are superimposed on the first, by association logic. I see, then (and I understand better), one of the works of Luke's environment more than others, giving the sense of a painting by the great evocative power of art that exalts the meek man.
Here, then, LUCANIA , a painting of 1965, cross-section of a microcosm of archaic but still current, much loved by Squitieri transport with no rhetoric: a woman in the niche of going home, that the shadow Knittel a votive icon, a fountain, two peasants on mules that carry tired on the pass of the evening and the country to make a backdrop, embedded in rock.
Petra or the Sassi in Matera, or Pietrapertosa or Castelmezzano?
Jordan or Lucania?
ancient Arab capital of the third century before Christ, or a country of stone, filled with symbolic figures, taken as an emblem of human values \u200b\u200bthat endure over time and that many parts are the roots that each of us carries ; of roots which, in the case of Squitieri, are Lucan, but belongs to everyone because they are part of the history of the world?
The similar states in diversity, through the work of a painter who, referring to the myths of his homeland, has given, since the early years, a universal dimension to his work, bringing the best of his native province: Lucania of sediment that it helps to give shape to patterns that arise from individual experience with memories that have been accumulating a season after ' other life. Painting as a suggestion. Working synthesized linear and aiming to get large volumes (which is what architecture and monumental happily remains in the palette of his wholehearted to the poetics of "Novecento", after the initial experiences in which you could catch the echoes of the lessons of macchiaioli and the first of the Impressionists and, later, the Futurists), gives us images of a Squires dreamed of Lucania; evocative pieces of all that speaks of the ancient heart, the primary limitation of this land that retains great environmental treasures, but most of humanity.
comprendiamolo Let us follow him and then, when, using a poetic, evocative as his painting, he says:
"I paint women vertical petrified by the dignity, myths and legends of ancient land, young girls as corn, woods sound of water and wind, waterfalls houses devoured by silence, crazed horses, pieces of heaven ... and always comes back to me the pleasure of your hand, once he heard and saw the plaster of a rusty sanctuary hot sun. "

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gift Of Property To Family Member

that trip to the Middle East

About that long trip Squitieri, Ugo Moretti wrote:
"Squires argues there to pay his contribution and in return takes Eastern mysticism: it has already studied the fascinating mysteries of the Etruscans. .. has already sacked the legacy of the Byzantines, from which derives the dry line forms, the jeratismo of choral composition and patterning of the austere backdrops.
the Three Hundred Tuscan taught him to adjust the spaces, containing beyond the laws of perspective, to expand and surround him with a particular story. From the Impressionists took the joy of living, the pain from Sironi thinking. Now it wants to flood light all'incestuosa Isis his painting. "

Bamboo Sticks For Arch

cycle PETRA

Italo Squitieri

In April of 1931 I went to the Middle East and I stayed there until the ' October 1936. I made long stops in Lebanon, Beirut, Saida and Baalbek. In Iraq: Baghdad and Nineveh. In Syria: Damascus, Aleppo and Latakia. Finally, wherever there were vestiges of civilization buried as Palmyra, Antioch and the great, unforgettable Jerash, Jordan: all a triumph of Roman architecture.
And it was that I met in Jerash Marilor Appelt, intelligent German archaeologist, who spoke to me widely Petra, its history, its mysterious charm.
As soon as I went there I had a chance! At the time of the Nabataeans Petra had not yet become a tourist destination, so get there was an undertaking very difficult.
joining a camel caravan of merchants direct to Aqaba, we got along miles and miles of desert, under a merciless sun, with overnight stops in some oases.
From my traveling companions, I spoke only Arabic, I knew very little about Petra, but luckily for me, the long conversations with my German friend had prepared me with enough impact that unique piece Earth.
When the massif of Petra appeared to me, about ten miles away, against the light, seemed like a great cake resting on the horizontal line of the desert.
Some scientists have suggested a huge meteor broke off from a star and conficcatosi in the desert, billions of years ago.
now halfway through, I left the caravan that went another way.
All the emotions experienced in twenty-two days I spent poking around from top to bottom Petra, which adds to its grandeur, its size, are fixed in my memory.
During that journey I performed a large number of drawings and paintings inspired by the mystery of Petra, I've never exposed for sale in numerous exhibitions held in Italy and then abroad. I have always cherished. But when, on a second trip, I saw Petra so different from what it was, attracts millions of tourists who sbracati sit in cafes and shops that have sprung up, I felt the need to evoke my Petra, using those old drawings and 'span the years 1985-1990, I realized the CYCLE OF PETRA.

some of the 17 canvases:






Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Free Drive License Template


Grounds for invalidity of a religious ceremony, part one: ... and around the INCONSUMAZIONE.
After making a brief look at the reasons for invalidity related to treason (But we'll come back, the matter is divided), I would have fun (so to speak) to talk about marriage voidable for INCONSUMAZIONE.
If more of you, seeing such a debut, it will be done the most glaring laughter - and did well, because the rice makes good blood - should think again read below ... We are in XXI century, people live together well before to marry, premarital chastity is very rare stuff, and none the less it still happens that things go in such a way that a marriage may be ratified and not consummated, however ...
In practice, a marriage is valid if both spouses have an apparatus genital healthy and perfectly formed, if they have no kind of psychological problem that blocks them in sexuality, and if after all this, after the celebration of their marriage, they manage to have just one sexual intercourse, in which a man ejaculates inside the vagina of his wife.
I apologize for the crudeness of the narrative and the use of aseptic terms, say, technical. However, if even one of these premises, which may seem trivial, do not occur, there is a possibility that your marriage is null and void for inconsumazione.
Then, the bride, just after the "yes, run with the baton before the photo shoot (and sometimes it happens, and ends in the chronicles daring), can see annulled the marriage right now, not only because she is a raving lunatic, but for obvious inconsumazione, no matter if the poor groom scoranacchiato had until the day before an intense and passionate sex life.

If your beloved husband is impotent, your marriage is void. There is nothing to be done. And no matter what you want so much ... you can stay friends if you dare, but a necessary condition so that your marriage to be valid is that sexual intercourse is possible.
A man with a reproductive system is not well-formed (organic impotence), which does not reach full sexual act can not be a husband.

Similarly, for women with vaginal malformations, which make it impossible to report (this is called organic impotence of women), marriage may be declared invalid.
For women, however, there is a better chance, since it allowed the construction of an "artificial vagina", even after the wedding, after which the marriage can be "validation."

I open a parenthesis: infertility. Per se is not the cause of nullity, unless it has been silenced (but we'll talk). Malformations of the above are only those that prevent the sexual act, no matter in this context whether the malformations are associated with infertility.

Nullity for impotence, male and female, where the act fails to be consummated for reasons of "psychological" (functional impairment).
The husband who for seven years before the marriage there has never "touched", maybe it was not only respectful of your virtue .... Nowadays it does not happen anymore? It happens, happens ...
Unfortunately, and I regret to say, a woman who, as a result of violence in the past, after the marriage continues to show his complete aversion to sex, which does not allow the husband to have any relationship with her, can see their marriage annulled.

These are the "macro cases" ... Then there are the sub-cases .... Some of the stories so real that they even exceed the imagination
inconsumazione was zero for the marriage when her husband, while having an erection, did not ejaculate at all (male anorgasmia, it seems impossible and yet exist). The two poor fellows thought they had consummated the marriage, since it had relationships with penetration ... but no!
invalid even the marriage of those two poor people when he tried to "consume", and she was crying from the pain and made it impossible for the whole.

That is to say that it is true that we are in the twenty-first century and for the most part they have relationships and live together before marriage also, but remember: Even a small malfunction, maybe underestimated by the couple at the right moment, even curable in another context, may invalidate the marriage, because it actually makes an incomplete or ineffective (for the purpose "of the validity of the marriage") the sexual act.

There is only one small problem sull'inconsumazione of marriage: prove it!
There are three ways:
short time, ie when the spouses have never cohabited or have never been alone after the wedding (prime example: the bride who runs away with the witness, referred to above) ... remember, to talk about inconsumazione, must have celebrated the wedding, what was there before (the runaway bride in the collective is certainly a bit 'ho ....) changes everything in the background!
physical arguments. Easy, even humiliating, to those who have a glaring flaw. Difficult for those without obvious flaws, has not had an ad hoc report, but perhaps incomplete. In fact, brace yourselves, friends of the TE, to document a inconsumazione may ask the woman to undergo a pelvic examination and document their integrity (alias virginity). If she admitted that allows to submit to such request was not a virgin before (other stories, other life, etc ...), the test does not have any more!
"moral argument": the affidavit of the spouses and harmonious, more, not you know, ever, that of witnesses who have received the confidences at the right moment. Provided that such witnesses have the hair to go to court to tell all they know on one another's sex life unsatisfactory

... To be continued ....