Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hemorrhoids Often Before Menstrual Cycle

Amor absolves no loved ....

"I passed these walls with light wings of love,
stone as no obstacle can keep out love,
and what they love can do, the love dare to do so .. "
Romeo & Juliet Act II Scene II William Shakespeare

A small tribute to love, the pure and idealized, since it will soon be celebrating the day of love ... And I
inspired by the event I created the little things:
in this first photo you see my first crayons made scented heart-shaped precisely, and the scent of white musk.
In these rather more photos you can see a pair of oven mitts and a drain for the kitchen theme for S. Valentino, and built as a gift for a friend who has red tint in the kitchen and that has already exposed!
In the meantime I'm busy with embroidery and carving ... that effort, will end soon, everything will post a kiss! soon


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