Sunday, July 18, 2010

Examples Of Seating Charts Weddings

The first beautiful piece that I had to put my heart was the end of my first marriage.
For a variety of reasons which do not want to bore you, I have undertaken the cause for the annulment in the Church, because that still is ongoing.
processes at the ecclesiastical courts are on the rise lately, I do not know if it's because people are (re) discovering this new opportunity, or if there is more information, or if it's a fad, or whether the Church has made it more drinkable and affordable for all a process that was once the most expensive ... I do not know, but one thing is certain. There is still a lot of "ignorance" on the subject, in the sense that the most ignorant and the practice of accessing both the process and, above all, the logic behind a process at the TE (Ecclesiastical Court).
I state that I am not a lawyer, and so it is possible that I do not use all of the terms of legally correct, but I'd like to give some tips for those who (ahilui / ahilei) interested in the topic.
The first concept to clarify is that the marriage is not invalid as generally believed, but is invalid.
is not just a play on words: if the marriage is annulled, it would mean that someone can arbitrarily decide to write something that was there.
Instead, the prerequisite of access to proceedings in the TE is that it presupposes that the marriage in question is already NULL. That is, at the time of the celebration there were such facts and reasons why, even though the couple have said "Yes" in front of the altar, the sacrament could not be fulfilled.
irrelevant to the declaration of nullity of marriage the years, the presence of children and more. If the marriage is void, it is irrespective of the boundary conditions and what happens after the "Yes".
So, in essence, the question: "I have been betrayed, to request cancellation?" Can not be answered on the spot yes or no. You have to see what's ahead of treason. The betrayal itself (if it happened after the wedding) is not due to VOID ', as it may be something very painful for those who suffer.
I understand that entering this type of logic is not quite immediate and that the causes of the nullity of a marriage outside the common sense that seems logical, however, a divorce.
need to go immediately with a view to think that a divorce is required for a number of well known reasons, a cause of invalidity for any other reason. I enclose a classic
first, the link to Wikipedia

aware however that it is a bit 'technical.
Council does all the book: "It 's my marriage valid?", Author Francis Bersini, publisher Leumann (Torino).
is a discussion for everyone where they are examined, with examples realistic, some thirty possible cases of nullity. Some of them seem anachronistic and unrealistic (such as, "but today such a thing does not happen again!"). Believe me, in the case of weddings, we say, problematic, the reality far exceeds the imagination.
One last thing, for now: remember that if there is a cause that makes your marriage invalid, it must be demonstrated! With an expertise, with a witness, a medical examination .... In short, not enough that you go to court to affirm the true (or false). Someone else will do it for you!


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